Article reprinted from “The Buick Bulletin of Australasia” June 1920
Researched by Marc McInnes from the original magazine courtesy of Eddie Ford
Nothing Whatever Wrong with the Whole Works
Attached Photo Caption: Mr. M. H. F. Noll, Port Pirie. 
Mr. M. H. F. Noll of Port Pirie, S.A., recently wrote to Messrs. Eyes & Crowle:- 
Dear Sir,-
Please find enclosed a. snap of our ‘bus after a desperate race from Port Pirie to a fruit garden 10 miles out on the River Broughton. It’s needless, to say which one won the race. Our ‘bus” is still going strong, more so since I’ve had her down for a cleaning out of carbon. I was very much taken up to find out that there is not the slightest sign of wear on the crank, rods, pistons, or any other bearing; everything was well oiled, the piston rings were free, nothing whatever wrong with the whole works. The fine bearings take my eye. There is plenty of surface, hence the wear is cut down to a minimum.
I’m thoroughly satisfied, after four years of running, with practically no trouble, speaks well for a Buick. I like them, and they’ll always do me.
You may use this as you think fit. Wishing you every success in the future.
Posted 01/2003