Webmasters Note:
The Buick Bulletin in the early 1920’s was the ”Press Organ of Buick Car Owners and Dealers” in Australia and New Zealand. The editor invited correspondence which was to be addressed to him at Room 7, 5th Floor, Ocean House, Moore Street, Sydney. There is no listing for Moore Street, Sydney in the current street directory.
A notice to Buick Owners states, “The editor would be glad to receive photographs from Buick Owners illustrating tours, little-known beauty spots or other items of interest to other Buick Car Owners.” Many of the articles appearing in this section of the website are taken from these publications.
Five of these rare magazines in very original condition were used by Marc McInnes to produce these stories. The magazines were graciously loaned for this purpose to Marc by Eddie Ford. BCCA-NSW is indebted to these two enthusiasts for permitting this history to be shared by all Buick enthusiasts.
The covers of these five magazines are reproduced. It is interesting to note the excellent use of colour in print so long ago.
Posted 01/2003